Dysart Park in Grantham is set for some new up-to-date play and fitness equipment thanks to sponsors who support the annual Rotary Swimarathon.
It is designed to appeal to teenage/youth visitors and will include a three-deck climber with scramble net, rope climb and slide bars, as well as a workout fitness station and a ladder wall.
The upgrade comes from a £30,000 investment funded by South Kesteven District Council’s UKSPF fund with a £10,000 contribution from the Rotary Club of Grantham, which runs the Rotary Swimarathon.
Cabinet Member for Culture and Leisure, Cllr Paul Stokes, who is also Deputy Leader of the Council, said: “We are very pleased to have the support of the community through this Rotary funding, as this play area will ultimately be used by the community.
“The fitness equipment will complement the equipment already on site which was funded previously through the Rotary Club, and we look forward to all of the additional features helping the park maintain its popularity as a go-to destination.”
The older children’s play equipment comprises a multi play unit including a banister slide, spinning pole, net climber, vertical rope climb, climbing grips, social seating, and multiple level decks. There will also be a wipeout surf and balance board.
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Fitness equipment includes a fitness station designed to enable nine simple exercises to increase strength, tone muscles and increase flexibility. Near this will be a ladder wall and five-a-day fitness panel, where users turn a wheel to choose different exercises.
Work is expected to begin at the park next month, by contractor Sutcliffe Play.
President of the Rotary Club, Andrew Gregory said: “It’s always rewarding to see the community fundraising through Rotary and turn it into something tangible that offers a real benefit to local people and visitors.”
The Rotary Swimarathon, which this year runs across the weekend of Friday 7th to Sunday 9th February is a major fundraiser now in its 36th year. During this time it has raised over £1 million towards the Community of Grantham and surrounding villages. The £10,000 grant comes from the 2024 event.
Teams of up to six swim in a relay for 50 minutes raising money to support Grantham charities and local causes/deserving projects.
There are just a few lanes left so anyone interested should text 07454 941349.
Find out more at rotaryswimarathon.org